Gutierrez Colosia

Since 1838, Gutierrez Colosia is located in the mouth of the river Guadalete. The dry "Levante" and the hurrid "Poniente" winds regulate the surrounding moisture level thus maintaining optimum conditions for our wines to age. The quality of the Gutiérrez Colosía wines is guaranteed by careful ageing through a process known as "criaderas y soleras", following the region's tradition.

The Gutiérrez Colosía wines are produced in "bodegas", or wine cellars, with an architectural style known as "Nave Cathedral" or cathedral like warehouse. These are buildings of significant height and numerous arcs which allow for a better exposure of the wines to the influence of the special climate of the Region.

The Gutiérrez Colosía Bodegas are heirs to a long viticulture and wine producing tradition. Their first Bodega was built in 1838 and it has been preserved almost as such to this day. After different ownership, it was acquired by Mr. José Gutiérrez Dosal towards the beginning of the 20th century, the late great grandfather of this last generation of the Gutiérrez Colosía family.

Gutiérrez Colosía winery is the only one located by the riverside in the area and it is this location which allows for the perfect humidity level needed for the biological ageing of the “Fino” and the developing of a fine layer of yeast “en flor” (micro-organisms which develop over the wine surface) in a veil fashion that gives this wine its unique aroma and taste.

In 1969, the Gutiérrez Colosía family bought the ruins of the Palace of the Count of Cumbrehermosa -Cargador de Indias, which also included a wine cellar. Upon these ruins two additional cellars were built.

The Gutiérrez Colosía wineries are the only ones located by the riverside in the area and it is this location which allows for the perfect humidity level needed for the biological ageing of the “Fino” and the developing of a fine layer of yeast “en flor” (micro-organisms which develop over the wine surface) in a veil fashion that gives this wine its unique aroma and taste.

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