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Our Story

Live Simple was founded by a small group of like minded people to bring wine consumers, collectors and producers together on a common platform. We are passionate about all things around wine. Equally we are very much at ease to make use of technology in how we operate. When the things we love and care about are simple, life becomes simple.

Searching for the next bottle to enjoy or collect, should be fun and enjoyable. The journey to discover, learn and appreciate wine, is one we like to make simpler for our customers.

We exist to bring quality wine that we drink and collect ourselves to our clients in Asia.

Founded in 2019 in Singapore and Spain, we are a growing team. 

In Singapore, Live Simple operates an e-commerce business focusing on bringing European wines to consumers and the hospitality industry. We keep our supply-chains short, frequently having no intermediaries between the winemakers and ourselves. We respect the products, ensuring climate controlled logistics from the wineries to our end-clients. We are transparent, and communicate jargon-free. We operate professionally and ethically. We do not offer fake discounts. 

Our European home near Girona in Catalonia's north-east corner of Spain puts us right in the centre of a wine-arch stretching from Spain over France and Germany to Italy. We are a day-trip distance away from some of the most important wine production areas in Europe, and we value the direct interactions with winemakers and industry participants that this enables. Our passion for working with vineyards directly inspired us in the beginning and continues to drive us today.

How we do work?

Respectful to our clients - we understand that there are many ways to approach wine. Our clients' satisfaction with our products and services comes above all.

Experienced in the industry - our team include vineyard owners, wine collectors and VinTech entrepreneurs alike.

Diligent excellence in our technology & logistics platform.

Aware and curious about our business and industry and its impact on the place we live in. Follow our journey as we learn more, experience more and develop sustainably.

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